AfroBerlin & Afro Film Music Days Registration
Please, note that a registration to AfroBerlin doesn’t grant access to Berlinale or the EFM. In order to access Berlinale you need a Festival Accreditation, in order to access the EFM you need a Market Badge. Market Badges can be purchased at an Early Bear Rate until December 3, 2024. You can find all further details on their respective websites. If you need an invitation letter though, you will need to purchase a EFM market badge.
When you have completed the registration and hit the "Submit" button
Please check your email including your spam folder after hitting the "submit" button,
You don't need to submit twice, go check your email immediately after submitting. You should receive your registration confirmation.
You cannot access AfroBerlin without a registration confirmation.
If you have hard time registering online, you can register onsite. We are located across Marriott Hotel on Potsdamer Platz and behind the Ritz Carlton.